If you need a little extra cash before payday, an easy way is to go to a pawn shop. However, not all items are equally profitable. Pawn shops focus on items that they can easily sell. Some items are more desirable to pawn shop owners than others. These items will net you more money.
Jewelry With Material Value
Many pawn shops specialize in jewelry. Specifically, jewelry with raw material value. Gold and silver are particularly valuable, as are precious gems such as rubies, emeralds, and sapphires. Diamonds are always sought after, but keep in mind the fact that diamonds do depreciate. Secondhand diamonds are significantly less expensive than new diamonds, and consequently cannot be purchased for as much.
Jewelry that has value in terms of artistry, such as an antique or a piece that is extremely delicate, may not yield as much. Pawn shops often consider the melt value of jewelry in the event that they can't sell it. On the other hand, watches (especially the more popular brands) are almost always acceptable.
People purchase secondhand power tools quite frequently. From drills to saws, power tools and professional equipment will often sell for a solid price at a pawn shop. There are some pawn shops that specialize in power tools and equipment; these are the places you might want to bring your most expensive or specialized items to.
Before selling power tools, take some time to charge any batteries, clean and oil the tool, and test out all of its functions. You'll want to show that it's in perfect working order when you go to sell it if you want to get the most money for it.
Video game consoles are another item that is frequently purchased secondhand. There are only so many models of video game consoles out, so pawnshops can easily determine their secondhand value. There's always a demand for video game consoles and they're fairly easy to test.
Before selling a video game console, remember to delete all of the data on it. Otherwise, you could have one of your digital accounts compromised. Though video game consoles sell well, most video games do not.
Smartphones, tablets, laptops, and Chromebooks are all considered to be desirable, as long as they are fairly current. Older generation devices may depreciate significantly. Mobile electronic devices are frequently stolen, so be prepared to show some type of documentation that the device is yours.
Like power tools, bring your device to the pawnshop charged and with as many peripherals (such as cables) that you can. If you have the original box for the device, you're more likely to get a decent amount.
Flat screen televisions and speakers are often purchased at pawn shops. They aren't always as profitable as other electronics, as they do take up a lot of space. If you have an LED you're no longer using, you may be able to sell it to your local pawnshop.
Older televisions are not accepted frequently at pawnshops; if it's not a flat screen, you probably don't want to bother. Modern surround sound speakers are worthwhile to pawn, but older tower speakers may not be worthwhile.
Firearms are hit or miss. Pawnshops that take them often want them and will pay a premium for them. However, not all pawn shops are set up to process firearms, and consequently, some won't take them at all.
If you call up your local pawnshop, they can frequently tell you exactly which items they prefer. Different pawnshops specialize in different things, so asking around is the best way to get as much as you can. For more information about pawning items and the most desirable items to pawn, contact the experts at 2 J's Pawn and Gun.