Designer handbags are always in style and make a great addition to any wardrobe. However, since these bags are high-end, they can be expensive to purchase outright from a store. One great way to get a designer handbag at a fraction of the cost is to buy one from a pawn shop.
The main challenge when you buy a designer handbag from a pawn shop is ensuring that you get an authentic bag. Luckily, there are a few ways to differentiate between a fake and an original designer handbag.
Pay Attention to the Material
Authentic designer handbags feature high-quality materials, such as full-grain leather. Leather is a luxurious material that is soft to the touch and has a natural sheen. In addition, the material is heavy for durability, which makes the handbag feel substantial.
On the other hand, fake designer handbags are often made from lower-quality materials that are cheaper to produce and are not as durable as full-grain leather. As a result, fake bags often look and feel inferior compared to authentic bags.
Examine the Stitching
Original designer handbags have neat and even stitching that is often done by hand. The stitches should be consistent in size throughout the entire bag. In addition, there should be no loose threads on the bag due to the more rigorous quality checks designer bags go through.
In the case of a fake designer handbag, the stitching may appear sloppy or irregular. The stitches may be of different sizes, and loose threads may hang from the bag. Ensure to check the inside of the bag as well, as fake bags may hide poor stitching on the inside.
Inspect the Hardware
Designer handbags usually have high-quality hardware, such as solid metal clasps with a smooth finish. The hardware should be securely attached to the bag and not loose.
For example, the zipper should glide smoothly when you open and close the bag. In the same way, the hardware should have a designer brand logo that is place straight on the bag — not lopsided or skewed.
On the other hand, fake bags often have lower-quality hardware made from cheap metals. In addition, the hardware may not have a designer brand logo or will have a redesigned logo that is meant to look similar.
Look at the Tags and Serial Numbers
Designer handbags often have a few tags that are attached to the bag. One label should have the designer's name, and another tag should have the bag's serial number. You can use the serial number to check whether the bag is authentic or not.
To do this, visit the designer's website and enter the serial number. If the bag is authentic, you should be able to find information about it on the website.
On the other hand, fake bags often have misspelled names or logos of the designer brand. The tags may also be missing a serial number altogether.
Consider the Cost
Pawn shops work by offering loans in exchange for items of value. As such, they typically sell items for less than their retail value. But the price should still be reasonable.
For instance, an authentic Chanel bag may retail for $5,000 but can be sold at a pawn shop for around $2,500. In contrast, a fake Chanel bag may be sold for as little as $100. Low prices may be tempting, but you should consider that a red flag.
With the tips above, you are better positioned to get an authentic handbag at a steal from a pawn shop. But remember always to be vigilant and to inspect the bag thoroughly before making a purchase. If you are unsure about the bag's authenticity, seek a second opinion.
2 J's Pawn & Gun is your trusted pawn shop for authentic designer handbags. We offer a wide range of designer handbags at reasonable prices. Contact us or visit our website to find your dream handbag.