Blog Post

How to Pawn Your Gold Jewelry for More Money

  • By Admin
  • 07 Jan, 2020
Weighting Gold Jewelry — Davie, FL — 2 J's Pawn & Gun

A gold jewelry collection is something that can build up over time. Take a look at yours, and you might find some pieces that you haven't worn in years. If you'd like to swap out your old gold jewelry for cash, one idea is to take your collection to the local pawn shop. But if you want to truly maximize your payout, it can be helpful to take a closer look at your collection before you jump in the car.

Most pawn shops are willing to negotiate in good faith, and chances are good that you can get a respectable price for your jewelry if you take the time to present it in the right way. Discover some tips to keep in mind when pawning your gold jewelry collection at a pawn shop.

Your Gold Jewelry Should Be Separated by Karat

Jewelers often use the karat measurement to make clear just how much gold is actually in any given piece. In other words, some gold jewelry pieces might look gold on the outside but are actually silver or another material with only a thin gold coating on top. The closer to pure gold your jewelry is, the higher the karat count will be.

Obviously, the more karats you have, the more valuable the gold will be to a pawn shop. To avoid any confusion, it can be helpful to separate your gold jewelry by karat amount before you arrive at the shop to sell. If the pawn shop pays by weight, you could end up losing money if you have a higher karat piece mixed in with a stash of lower karat pieces.

Your Gold Jewelry Should Be Clean

First impressions can be very important in life, and this is definitely true when you want to sell your gold jewelry. You want your gold to shine and sparkle when you go to present it to the pawn shop owner. Gold jewelry buyers will pay more for gold that is clearly still in like new condition. If your gold is covered in gunk or has lost its shine, this will likely bring the price you are offered way down.

Get yourself a gold jewelry cleaning kit at any department store or jeweler, and take some time to polish each piece or buff out any scratches if you can. The higher payout you may receive will make this time investment worth it.

Your Gold Jewelry Should Be in Style for Maximum Profit

Pawn shops want to buy items that they know they can turn around and sell to someone else. Older gold jewelry pieces could fetch a pretty penny if they are a vintage or classic piece, but you might not get as high of an offer if the jewelry is just old. Take a look at current gold jewelry trends, and see if any of your necklaces, bracelets, or other pieces fit in with what is currently popular.

You can, of course, still sell other pieces that are not currently in style, but just know that you will receive a better offer if your gold jewelry matches a current trend. In some cases, it might be beneficial to hold onto your out-of-style pieces until that trend comes back around.

Selling your gold jewelry collection is a great way to quickly get an influx of cash. But if you want to maximize the payout your local pawn shop gives you, you should take time to meticulously go through and organize your collection before you get to the shop. A well-organized and clean jewelry collection will help you make a good first impression and may lead to better offers.

2 J's Pawn & Gun has purchased and sold gold jewelry for more than 25 years. We'll pay top dollar for high quality pieces that arrive in good condition. You can take the money or use it to purchase gently used jewelry from our own collection, along with the many other types of products we have for sale. Contact us today for more information.

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